Category “opportunities”

“Social Entrepreneurship and the Power of New Ideas” at CareerDays09

9 March 2009 | Category: news, opportunities | Keywords: , , ,

As part of the AIESEC CareerDays09, we will be hosting an interactive workshop for students eager to take first steps as drivers of positive change. Upon brief insights into the concept of social entrepreneurship and its implementation around the globe, we will particularly create space and opportunity for the participants to identify and share their own ideas for social innovations and ventures.

This workshop is open for students of all universities. It will take place on 31 March 2009 at 2.30pm in Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. A more detailed description of the workshop and link to the applications can be found here.

“emerging sense” – first community launched

15 January 2009 | Category: news, opportunities | Keywords: , ,

“The essence of the community, it’s very heart and soul is the nonmonetary exchange of values, things we do and share because we care for others and for the good of the place.“ (Dee Hock)

emerging sense is a community of people connected in a continuous chain of value creators, based upon shared values and nurtured by regular interaction. It is for these individuals with sincere intention and genuine ambition, that we will host monthly gatherings, create a common virtual space and enable the open exchange of ideas, perspectives and reflections.

emerging sense is private, yet it’s public. It will start as invitation-only, but in case of interest in joining still offers the chance to participate as guest and eventually member of the community upon contact with emersense (email to