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emersense continuing partnership with AIESEC for “Solution 2009”

6 February 2009 | Category: news | Keywords: , , , , , ,

Solution 2009

“Our biggest challenge in this new century is to take an idea that seems abstract – sustainable development – and turn it into a reality for all the world’s people.“ (Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the UN)

As AIESEC in Austria and emersense, we particularly believe in the dreams, intentions and potential of youth to take on this challenge and shape a sustainable future. It is for this reason, that we will continue our partnership and again jointly host “Solution” – a unique learning platform to foster clarity, confidence, capability and courage in young people’s pursuit of driving positive change in society.

First hosted in 2006, the annual four day conferences since then have engaged around 200 selected participants and well over 40 reputable guests and partners from across the world for inspiring and triggering experiences upon their ambitions and ideas to create a sustainable future.

This year’s “Solution” will take place from 14 to 17 May 2009 in Vienna. The conference will be open for 80 selected delegates from Austria and abroad. Applications are starting on 15 March 2009. More

“Our Seeds of Dreams” – a glimpse at our communities

29 January 2009 | Category: review | Keywords: , ,

“We are experiencing intense times of turmoil, I almost have the feeling the world has gone crazy. It might just be an impression, but more than ever, last year I felt my ground is shaking. I felt uncertainty at almost unbearable levels. And I felt how I can only dance with this chaos if I am really present in the moment, connected to who I am, able to feel the vibrations of and move in harmony with the ‘music’… I realized once more that I need to cherish what is important for me: Dreams and the walk of bringing them to light and life. Sharing them with people of value who will give me support and keep me accountable; who will not let me lose my dreams… In this community, I hope to plant this seed of dreams together with you.”

This is a perspective from emerging sense – a community that regularly brings together diverse value creators and enables the open exchange of thoughts, ideas and reflections. If you are interested in finding out more about this community please contact us at

“emerging sense” – first community launched

15 January 2009 | Category: news, opportunities | Keywords: , ,

“The essence of the community, it’s very heart and soul is the nonmonetary exchange of values, things we do and share because we care for others and for the good of the place.“ (Dee Hock)

emerging sense is a community of people connected in a continuous chain of value creators, based upon shared values and nurtured by regular interaction. It is for these individuals with sincere intention and genuine ambition, that we will host monthly gatherings, create a common virtual space and enable the open exchange of ideas, perspectives and reflections.

emerging sense is private, yet it’s public. It will start as invitation-only, but in case of interest in joining still offers the chance to participate as guest and eventually member of the community upon contact with emersense (email to